In response to the COVID 19 world crisis, I am continuing to accept new clients for teletherapy services for online video and phone sessions. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Dr. Ildiko Tabori 

Psychotherapy, known simply as “therapy,” is a treatment option involving talking through psychological difficulties and learning effective strategies to handle such challenges.  It is useful for people who are struggling to function in their daily lives due to issues like stress, depression, anxiety, addiction, and relationship difficulties.  It is also useful for people who are struggling to function due to conditions like generalized anxiety disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 

Psychotherapy is intended to address the adverse psychological and social effects of one’s life challenges and provide effective tools for managing one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.  Psychotherapy may involve an exploration of several issues such as those that led to your functional difficulties (e.g., past abuse, unhealthy coping strategies, trauma), how you can develop healthy coping skills moving forward, and how you can increase social support networks in your life.  Ultimately, it can help you function in healthier ways and have a better relationship with yourself and others.  At times, psychotherapy may need to be combined with medical treatments, like psychiatric medications, to provide the best chance for achieving long term success.

How can psychotherapy be useful for me?

Psychotherapy is a great way to help you overcome life challenges and better manage the effects of mental health conditions.  If you are already functioning well, it can still be useful by helping you reach your life goals and full potential.  Using the knowledge of cognitive-behavioral therapy, choice theory, and family dynamics, Dr. Tabori views maladaptive behavioral patterns as a result of inadequate or dysfunctional life choices. Dr. Tabori assists you in recognizing these patterns of behavior and encourages you to draw realistic and practical solutions to the things hindering your growth and happiness. Instead of spending countless sessions uncovering your past, you and Dr. Tabori will utilize the most salient historical events of your life experiences and apply them in the ”here and now” using evidence based practices and problem solving techniques. She uses a complete behavioral medicine treatment plan focusing on four main areas:  psychotherapy, exercise, nutrition, and social support networks.

Dr. Tabori can help you if you are experiencing any of the following issues:

·      Depression

·      Stress and anxiety

·      Relationship difficulties

·      Couples counseling 

·      Trauma

·      Addiction

·      Grief and loss

·      Significant medical conditions

·      Aging and age-related concerns

·      Parenting and co-parenting issues

·      Emotional, physical and sexual abuse

·     Other significant and chronic mental health concerns

Psychotherapy Services

Dr. Tabori provides several psychotherapy services.  To learn more about each of these, click on the links below.  If you are interested in working with Dr. Tabori for psychotherapy, contact her today to make an appointment.

Clinical Psychology

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing

Psychological Assessment

Neuropsychology and Neuropsychological Assessment


Tom B.

"Dr. T uses a metaphor of how therapy is a little like Windex in that it helps clear the fog sometimes. With her help, I have been able to see how life has become a little more beautiful with a little bit of Windex."

Read more testimonials about Dr. Tabori